
A RESTFul backend to manage generate and issue vouchers to integrate into existing B2B platform OMS in SpringBoot

NIT-C Mess management
A RESTFul backend to manage hostel messes in NIT-C, made as a part of Code init'19 by FossCell
Vue Quiz
A simple quiz application built with ExpressJS, PostgreSQL, VueJS for IEEE NIT-C

Implemented the backend in SpringBoot to track and analyze the wastage information from clients to improve the sales process

My attempt at making a minimal launcher for Android in Flutter

NIT-C Hostel dues
A webapp to retrive Hostel Dues of NIT-C students

Ragam '20 CA
Ragam is the annual Cultural fest of NIT-C , I worked with the PRC team to develop a CA Portal where the CAs can access event posters, and view referral information.The site was built using VueJS and Bulma for frontend, Firebase was used as a serverless backend

road2tathva v2
Road2Tathva Companion app built with React Native for Adventure Club NIT-C as a part of Tathva'19

NIT-C Complaint Management System

Joi-Fi status
A simple cross-platform tray app to tell the status of your JioFi

Twelve14 WordPress theme
A child theme for Twenty Fourteen wordpress theme , which merges the layout of Twenty Twelve theme

block-log - Jekyll theme
block-log , A Simple clean Jekyll theme